Monday, December 17, 2007

Hang in there!

Hello ladies! Well, the countdown is on. Only four (well, three and a half) more days until Christmas break. I think I am more excited than the students. Unlike the Kansans in the crowd, we did not even get a late start or early dismissal out of last week's storms. However, I was glad to hear that everyone was safe with all of that ice. I definitely agree that ice is much worse than snow, especially when it snows on top of ice.

But anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and great start to the new year. I am going to Wisconsin on Friday morning and will be back the following weekend to spend our first new year's eve in Denver. Then, I get a week off of school before returning on January 7th. I am definitely glad we get two weeks this year. That will be nice. I hope all is well with all of you! I miss you guys!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Nothing to do with libraries whatsoever

Have you ever heard about the "Have a Happy Period" letter that some woman supposedly wrote to Proctor & Gamble? Well, the letter was an actual blog entry written by Wendi Aarons. This woman is hillarious! Check out her blog at I laughed so hard that Les probably thought I was going crazy!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Book genre?

I have a friend that does not read...I know how could I possibly be friends with someone who does not read??? However, she emailed me a couple of days ago about a book called The Angels of Morgan Hill. She says she wants books just like that one! She read it in one day and now she wants to get into books. Of course, I'm struggling with this genre. All she stold me was: Going back into history, how families struggle, but yet needs to be inspirational...she's not the churchy type so I don't think she wants Christian-inspirational fiction. Any suggestions? My first thought was Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts. Or Richard Paul Evans whom I have never read...doesn't he only write those Christmas stories? Let me know if you can pass along any titles.

Monday, December 3, 2007


Hello again! I just remembered that I had another question to ask of you ladies. What does your library schedule look like? What I mean is do you meet with all of your classes once a week for a scheduled library time and check out? Or, do you separate library time from check out time and have two separate times each week? Or, do you have completely flexibly scheduling? If you have a flexible schedule, how do you manage that? How do you get teachers to come in and sign up for times? Right now, my schedule is not working so I am brainstorming to try to come up with a better way to do it! Any thoughts?

Computer Equipment Question

Hello ladies! I have a question for all of you. At my school, we have 3 laptop carts, 5 TV carts, and 3 elmos which are stored and checked out from the library. How do you guys manage your equipment? How do you set up schedules for people to sign-up to take the equipment? Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated. Right now, I have a sign up sheet for each day of the week and am manually signing people up. They email me to check the date/time, and I email them back letting them know if it is available or not. This is such a simple thing, but it is consuming too much of my time! Thanks!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I don't know what made me look, but I think we need to plan on going to AASL Conference 2009. It would be November 4-8th in Charlotte, NC. I would rather go to NC than wait until 2011 and go to Minneapolis, MN. I think NC would be pretty in the fall. OR would it be better to save up on go to the big ALA?

Monday, November 26, 2007

I Need Titles!

I have a favor to ask you all. I am interested in knowing the BEST 10 (or more :)) YA books you have read or purchased for your library lately. What are your kids' favorites? I love knowing what you are all reading and buying. I read School Library Journal et all, buy from the awards lists. But, I perfer your recommendations! I trust you all! Can't wait to read your lists.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

SLIM SISTA reunion at Barnes and Noble

OK ladies here is a great opportunity to use our profession of choice as a means to have a SLIM SISTA reunion. Saturday, December 1st Barnes and Noble will be having two authors- Beverly Olson Buller author of From Emporia: the story of William Allen White and Lisa Harkrader autor of Airball. Who wants to meet for the author signings and have a long SLIM SISTA lunch??

Oh no! The Kindle!

Hey, have you read the article about the Kindle? NEWSWEEK cover story, Books Aren't Dead (They're Just Going Digital). What do you think? The author hits books hard.
My thoughts:
1. The I-Pod lovers are going to jump all over this, but I don't think I need one more thing to remember to charge up.
2. I would love to read newspaper articles on this thing, but that's about it.
3. Thank god it doesn't support animation, picture books will live on.
4. I wonder what it will do to book prices in general.
5. Even though there are other ebook reading devices on the market that have flopped before, I think this one will be the big seller.
6. If they combine it with music, it would be a fun toy to have.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


This letter is what I'll be handing over to my principal and superintendent. Let me know if I should add or change anything on the last page.

Thanks. Oh, yeah, enjoy!

(First page)

Incident that occurred with Tracy Benitz

Tracy approached me as I was conducting personal business with a photography client. (I also had my 3 year old daughter with me.) The incident that will be explained took place at Lindsay Miller’s house around 4pm on November 19, 2007.

I was leaving the residence of Mrs. Miller’s, I had just stepped out the door, when Tracy followed me out and asked me to explain what occurred with her son, Jett Benitz, during his library class last Wednesday. I explained the detention and reason for the detention to Tracy, as well as I could, since it had occurred almost a week ago. I explained to Tracy that Jett had 1 week to complete an assignment and then another two weeks to get that assignment turned in. Jett, along with his entire class, was told that if the assignment were not turned in by the end of the two weeks, a detention would need to be served. Jett, along with his class, was reminded of this at least two times each week; as that is how often I meet with the students each week. On the final due date, I asked Jett to hand in his assignment, he responded that his mother had thrown it away and he said to me, “You need to give me another one.” I responded, “No, Jett, I do not need to give you another one.” I then proceeded to explain to him that he had known about the deadline for well over two weeks, and that he had numerous chances to ask for another paper. While I was speaking, Jett continued to interrupt me and tell me that I need to just give him another sheet. I did raise my voice towards Jett in order to be heard, and I also explained to Jett that disrespecting and back-talking towards me would not do him any good. I ended the conversation by informing Jett that his detention would need to be served that Friday.

Tracy listened to my explanation, claimed that I ‘yelled at and embarrassed Jett in front of his friends’ and then Tracy proceeded to threaten me by saying, “Don’t ever speak to my son like that again, or else”…. I attempted to explain to Tracy that she had no right speaking to me like that, nor was it the right time and place to discuss those matters. I attempted to explain to Tracy that her accusations held no merit and were not the truth. I also attempted to explain to Tracy that she should have voiced her concerns, last week at school, when the detention with Jett was served. Tracy continued on with telling me that I need to teach differently and that detentions should not be given since library work is not graded. Tracy asked me as to why I did not contact her regarding Jett’s behavior, I responded by informing Tracy that Jett does not always misbehave, this was one incident, and that I didn’t feel that the incident was big nor horrible enough to require a phone call to her. I also explained that phone calls home are made to praise the child or when the child is in serious trouble. I tried to explain to Tracy that sometimes misbehavior comes from the fact that a kid is just being a kid, and that I don’t have time to call every parent regarding those small incidents that take place in the library. I don’t think she heard much of my explanation, as she continued to throw accusations around and raise her voice with me, never giving me a chance to explain in greater detail my reasoning.

Tracy then claimed that she tried to contact me at school three times last week, however I only have word of that contact attempt being made once, and that was on Thursday. (I was absent that particular Thursday as I had a procedure done with a GI doctor.) I tried to explain to Tracy that I had only known of the one attempt at contact and that I was gone that day. Tracy then responded, “Well, you need to keep your personal life separate and remain at school doing your job.” At that point, I began to walk away and Tracy began to yell out more accusations, claiming she had heard from people, that I have ‘bad mouthed’ her son through emails with Mrs. Fuller (again, another false accusation). I continued to walk away and told her that she could speak to my boss regarding problems and concerns with my teaching. I buckled my daughter into her seat, got into my car, and left.

(Last page)

I am in more ways, than one, upset and embarrassed by all that occurred.

#1-I was humiliated in front of paying photography clients, clients that view me as a professional.

#2-The time was the not the place for Tracy to approach me, as again, I was conducting personal business, it was not during school/work hours, and my daughter was present.

#3-The accusations thrown by Tracy, directed at me, hold no truth or merit but I was not able to explain this, as Tracy would not give me the chance.

#4-The fit that Tracy threw was immature and uncalled for. She has done this more than once, and never seems to understand how wrong it is.

#5-I feel that I should not have to stand for a parent to tell me how to do my job and tell me when I should or should not take time off for particular reasons.

If need be, I will explain now as to why work given during library lessons should be taken seriously and should be completed within given timelines.

As a media specialist (librarian) it is my job to teach the students, in all grades, information literacy. This includes reading, writing, technology, and research. I teach students how to research by using nonfiction books, dictionaries, the encyclopedia, and the Internet. I teach students the correct ways to find reliable, true information. I teach students how to correctly cite their information. I also teach students the pros/cons of technology and how they can use it to increase their knowledge. I spend my time preparing students for state assessments by reading with them, to them, and having them read to me. I am able to prepare the students through discussions of story elements, and I observe the students’ reading comprehension skills. All of this is done so that I can better see what areas need focused on, and what areas can use improvement. The students are able to benefit in so many ways. The students, by taking the skills learned during library lessons, can better complete curriculum assignments. They can research on their own, and make use of available resources with the understanding and knowledge of what can be taken from those resources. The students learn life skills during library lessons. They learn the importance of reliable information and how to acquire knowledge. The students learn reading skills and comprehension skills and are better able to perform on state and class assessments.

The reasoning for my requiring completion of the assignments is so that I have a way to evaluate the students’ learning. Without the completed assignments, a student may fall behind and not be able to acquire the necessary knowledge that will be needed throughout his/her life. With the completed assignments, I am able to review the students’ learned knowledge, and can emphasize my focus on the areas that the students need to improve and master.

Friday, November 16, 2007

LJ the Librarian

It is OFFICIAL! The superdt. stopped into my room to congratulate me in front of my class. It was great because it is my class of all boys--all reluctant readers. He introduced me as the new school librarian for the 2008-09 school year--and they clapped and hooted for me! I couldn't ask for better PR than it made me feel good. I hope to see all of them in the library next year.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Finished with Capstone......but trying to figure out how to copy my freewebs website onto a's a requirement to do that...any thoughts?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Oh it feels good to be wanted!

I knew that would get everyones attention!! I have a story to share with you all. I got an email last week from my old superintendent from Burlingame. He said that the librarian had put in her resignation letter that day and that the job would be open for next year and mine if I wanted it. Then over the weekend I got a phone call from one of the board members wanting to know if I had heard the news. She said she was sure the superintendent would do what ever he could to get me back in the district. My it feels good to be wanted. BUT- the very best part of this story is..... the day I got the email about the job- my current principal called me into his office to go over my evaluation. He told me to come into his office and shut the door. I said :hey if this is going to be bad I want to let you know right now that I had a job offer today." His eyes about popped out of his head but he smiled and said "what?" I told him about the email. Then during my evaluation-which was awesome!!! He said so I guess you don't need to worry about that other job right?? Life is good!!!!!!!

Hello ladies!

I am sorry to again be delinquent on my responses, but we have been having at-home computer issues again. So, today during my lunch, I decided to take a second to read the postings and say hello to everyone. I loved catching up as I read all of your postings. It sounds like there are a lot of exciting things going on with all of you.

MaryAnn - Congrats on taking the next step forward to getting a job in a public school.

Lori Jo - What is the status of your library job? I can definitely relate to being overwhelmed. That has been my story for the last 3 months or so. I love that the people here are so supportive. They have never had a librarian before so basically anything I do looks good, but that doesn't help me being completely overwhelmed. My library looks barren to say the least. I have not even had a moment to put up decorations. I feel like I am headed for a breakdown right now. I have met with my principal who is currently trying to delegate some of the responsibilities that ended up on my plate when they shouldn't have been. My caution to anyone at a new job is be careful of taking on too much.

Well, other than being overwhelmed, life in Denver is good. I think once this year is over I will feel a lot better. It is just hard starting all over again. I forgot what it was like my first year of teaching. But, dont' get me wrong, I definitely am sooooooooo glad that I am in a library. I just think all of the changes TJ and I made at once have gotten me a little overwhelmed.

Lets start planning a Denver trip now! I really want you guys to come visit. I could definitely use a weekend with you guys!

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I need some Sista-ly advice

Hey SLIM Sistas-
Ok, well I've mentioned how I'm toying with the idea of going to a public school....I have a screening interview coming up later this month! I'm apprehensive about it for a few reasons, but I'm excited too. I'm starting to really dip my toe into the water rather than just talk about it, so here goes I guess....

So, to those of you who have been through this process before...what should I expect? What are they going to ask me??? When I talked to the HR person, she told me that I will be meeting with a building principal, and she will interview me using the ventures screening interview. The way she said it, I assumed that it's some type of known screening process. I Googled it however, and I can't come up with anything. In all honesty, I've never interviewed before, aside from my SLIM entrance interview with Candy, which was a joke. I was a long term sub before I took my current position, then I was offered a contract. There was no interview, lucky for me, but now I'm kinda nervous about the process.

One question that will probably come up, which I think is such a dumb question, is to list your weaknesses. I do know that you are to say things that can be turned into positives, like I'm too detail oriented, BS, BS....

Any and all suggestions are appreciated!!! I hope that all is well with you guys. Question, is our blog private? It would be kind of embarrassing if my blog postings came up to haunt me. I don't think that any Joe Blow can find us, but I'm not sure.....


I sent everyone pics of my library via email. Karen...I think it overloaded your account or something. Let me know where I can send them so you don't miss out. I'm a little overwhelmed at the thought of tackeling the weeding, arranging and making it my own. I suppose it will be fun once Ruth hands over the keys.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I know ladies, I'm pulling you back to a time you don't want to remember. I have a small celebration. Carol came out for her practicum visit and I also finished my practicum hours last month. Now, I just have to finish my digital notebook and also my online portfolio. I must admit something though. Mary Ann you asked if I submitted my question to my class online????No, it seems as though I got the retard group. Every time I log on to check the discussion board, there are thousands of new messages, I mean what do these people do, just hit reply all day. Plus, I have posted questions before and gotten shot down by many people, so I keep to myself. (Most were under the impression that we were staying the entire weekend, idiots). I know, I"m being harsh. I'm so ready to be done. Graduation is Dec. 14, I'll be there with bells on.

Wedding stuff....I'm just excited to be getting married. It's all just small stuff now. We are looking for a photographer, lots of great ones, very few cheap ones (that are good). Poor Dustin, he has no idea what all a wedding involves.

Hey, when are we going to Denver? Should we set a date for this spring or even summer?

Friday, November 2, 2007

Just Do It! Join

Thanks Mary Ann for heading most of us in the right direction. I love playing around with Shelfari. I love looking at all your friends lists too. Make sure all of you check out Brittney and Kaitlin's too. They are Butterfly Girl and Monkey Queen.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday, Monday

Happy Birthday Penny & Karen!

Well, Laura and I started the day off with a call from Mirah canceling her visit. I don't know about you Laura, but I was relieved. Although, after Penny's suggestion, I rescheduled a 3rd grade class that I was supposed to have at her visiting time. It worked out beautifully however, because 1st quarter grades were due today, so I could get those finished up. Big shocker that I would put them off to the last minute huh?

Christy, we'll have to get together for lunch. I would love to hear all about your new job. I can imagine that apartment life is getting a little crowded. Good luck getting your house sold. Any chance that the renters would want to buy?

Lori Jo, wowzers!! It sounds like you have a library jobby job for next year. Keep me posted!

I'm looking forward to a semi short week. We have conferences Thursday afternoon/evening and Friday. The general policy is you only need to be in the building when you have a conference. So far, I have none.....yipee!!

Take care- Mary Ann

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Checking In

Hello ladies! How is everyone? From the posts it sounds like everyone is busy. Lori Jo, hope the news is good on the library job! MaryAnn, I think you will love public school, but I can understand how you would miss your current library.

Things are crazy here as usual. I love my job in Spring Hill though! The library (the entire building actually) is beautiful and I've been working hard to get the students in their. My predecessor was not well-liked by anyone (funny how the stories started to come out after a few weeks) and so anything I do looks amazing--so I guess I should thank her! She is still in the district (3-5 grades). We're pretty sure they're trying to get rid of her.

Brady's job is going well and the kids are great. Ellie is in kindergarten and was Student of the Month this month. Her class is only 20 students and her teacher is great. Aidan is in a home-based Montessori preschool and loves it! He has progressed a lot this year now that there are more kids his age around. Mya stays home with Brady's parents for now. We are looking for a place for her a few days a week--they're are spoiling her!!

Our home in Rose Hill hasn't sold, but we are renting it until April so that's helping out financially. The 3-bedroom apt in Olathe seems to get smaller by the day:) But we are together again and doing well so will count our blessings.

Finishing up SLIM this spring--hating my classes. Getting to the point where I know no one and the workload this semester has been wild! Anyway, sorry to post a book, but thought I'd better catch everyone up. Let me know if you guys get up to KC. Would love to see you! And enjoy the rapidly approaching holidays!! Cristy Bolton

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Karen and Penny! We miss our SLIM SISTA TIME!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Big News..but Not Official!

Almost time to celebrate...but not officially. I heard it from the boss today. The next board meeting (the third Monday in November) will be the night he will be notify the board of ed. of the impending retirements, my move to the library and ask permission to adverstise the opening of my position, math teacher and counselor. It will become official after that point. However, our nosy counselor walked into our discussion so I still don't know what changes he was talking about??? Don't worry, I will keep you posted.
Wanting to shout YES! WAHOO! but want it official..still holding my breath.
Miss all of you!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hey Ladies

So, apparently I'm the only one whose been a total slacker on our blog!! It's been fun to read the recent posts and catch up. It sounds like everyone's year is zipping right along.

Lori Jo, have you heard anything back from your principal?? I'm curious as to what kind of "changes" he's thinking about.

I'm getting ready to look at assignment #3 for the internship hoop that we must get through....I'm curious to hear Mirah's feedback for assignment #2. I'm with you Courtney, this class sucks!! I can't wait until it's over. Mirah is coming out for her visit with me on the 29th. After a few emails with Penny, I think I'm going to try to reschedule a 45minute 3rd grade class that I have at that time. I really don't want Mirah observing me teach if at all possible.

So ladies, after much encouragement from you all, I have started looking into the possibility of moving to public school next year. I have filled out an online application with the Shawnee Mission School District, and I'm getting my transcripts and license copies put together to send in so they can create a file on me. I don't know what's going to happen, or if any openings will even come open, but I'm just going to try and go for it. As you know, I have very mixed feelings about leaving, but I'm trying to look at the big picture.

I hope that all is well with everyone. If anyone is planning a KC trip this fall, please let me know. I would love to have a few drinks and catch up with my SLIM Sistas!!!
-Mary Ann

Friday, October 19, 2007

I've got issues

To any of you who used freewebs to create your portfolio (aren't you glad you're done...this is a pain in my ASS) I am linking my artifacts into my webpages. When I go to view my results, I can't see any of what I just linked? I haven't played with it too much, but what the heck can I do?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Assignment confusion, AGAIN!

Ugh...I have never in my life been more confused by the assignments, then w/ this class.

Question: What is our 'portfolio notebook'? Mira states in assignment#2, paragraph#3, 'Separate from your information needs assessment, create a section in your portfolio notebook titled, "Collection Analysis and Evaluation." The first section in this document should be "clientele." So, what is this portfolio notebook she talks about?

Thanks for the help. I feel like such a dummy this semester....

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Possibly Good News?

Okay ladies, my librarian Ruth showed up with her engagement ring on Monday! They are getting married in July. Of course, I ask the principal, "hey, did you see Ruth yet?" He said, "no, why?" So I told him and he said he figured she would be getting one because she turned in her letter that stated it was her intention to retire at the end of this school year. The math teacher turned in one too. That way they get the $1,500 notification by November 1 money for early retirement. He says, "you still want to move over to the library right?"...I said, "I'm willing to jump through a hoop and do a backwards cartwheel to be in the library next year." Of course, this might have been the wrong thing to say...because he says, "well, I have already talked to the supt. about my intention of moving you over...but there's some changes I need to think about and we may need to figure out for next year. I guess we'll need to meet on it." WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF does that mean? I'm guessing other assigned duties or teaching a class too. Does anyone have any pointers about this mystery meeting that may be coming up? Court told me to throw out there: they would need to pay me for a plan period and hire a para if they wanted me to teach too. Any other smart things I coud say? I haven't emailed Carol yet, but I need to.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


You have got to check this site out! For the month of October they are interviewing a different author every night (see the list below). I think if you are at the high school level, this would be great.

The link is to the google groups site and you can link to their website from there.

The Readergilz purpose is: "Readergirlz is about celebrating books featuring strong female characters, connecting girls with stories that will change the way they see themselves, and inspiring girls to have the guts to make history of their own."

Week One 1. Meg Cabot 2. Tiffany Trent 3. Brent Hartinger 4. Lorie Ann Grover 5. K.L. Going 6. Nikki Grimes

Week Two7. Ellen Hopkins 8. Justina Chen Headley 9. Chris Crutcher 10. Ann Brashares 11. Sarah Mlynowski 12. Cecil Castellucci 13. Kirby Larson

Week Three 14. Tanya Lee Stone 15. John Green 16. Sara Zarr 17. Deb Caletti 18. Rachel Cohn 19. Kirsten Miller 20. Mitali Perkins

Week Four 21. Sonya Sones 22. Lisa Yee 23. Carolyn Mackler 24. E. Lockhart 25. Janet Lee Carey 26. Gaby Triana 27. Lauren Myracle

Week Five28. Holly Black 29. Cynthia Leitich Smith 30. Dia Calhoun 31. Stephenie Meyer (Her chat is at Midnight, Eastern, on Halloween!)

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Wanted to share a few of my "slim sista" photos!! What a bunch of good looking librarians!

Tandem Tent Sale!!

Oh my goodness ladies--did any of you attend the Tandem Tent sale this last week and weekend?? I spent over $600 in a matter of 2 hours. Every book is $2.50- hardback. Some of problems but most are just overstock. Great way to cheaply add to your collection.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My First Book Fair

Well I just set up my first book fair. Can I just say HOLLY SHIT!!! I did not realize what an undertaking this would be. There is sooooo much shit to put out. I have to have the book fair in my library so needless to say there is limited space, yet the pile of boxes was going on forever!! But here is the part I wanted to share with all my book buddies! At the KASL conference yesterday I was chatting with fellow librarains and one suggested having Scholastic send you two empty crates with your bookfair to put all the boxed books in. GREAT idea just a little late for me this time around.
Also at the conference I ran into Shirley, Katie, and Megan and this poor poor girl who is just starting the SLIM program. Oh what a road she has ahead. :)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

District VI Fall Workshop

Even though I am still a wanna a be, I went to the District VI KASL workshop. Yeah, I pretended it was to keep up on all things library, but ya know I was really checking out the librarians - feeling out the possiblities of future openings. Besides a couple of nuns that looked like they on their last leg, it looks like I may be out of luck for a while.

Anyway, I did learn some interesting things. Tri-Conference will now be called Kansas Library Conference and is a joint effort between KLA & KASL. There is some bitter blood between the two over negotiations of the conference but I guess it's all been work out. Marth House emphasized that KASL members mark their membership on the conference registration so KASL gets all the money alloted for them.

Jackie Lakin has a book out called Soldier Girl. It looked interesting. Here's a blurb:

Soldier Girl by J. McMahon Lakin
“Soldier Girl” is the story of Lindy Harrison who at the age of five along with her mother leaves the McLeod family farm in Osawatomie, Kansas to join her father who is a white officer with the Buffalo Soldiers of the Tenth Cavalry Regiment. The story follows the character development of Lindy as she learns about fort life as the daughter of a white officer serving with Buffalo Soldiers in Kansas and Oklahoma at the beginning of the Indian Wars (1867-1875). Many of the officers including Colonel Benjamin Grierson founded the Ninth and Tenth regiments to prove African Americans were good soldiers in peacetime after the War Between the States. Lindy's support as she adjusts to becoming a soldier is her Grandpa McLeod who corresponds regularly with her and Sergeant Pick, a Buffalo Soldier assigned to the Tenth.

I saw a copy of the Handy 5, 2nd ed. and my lesson plan from 851 was in there! I am assuming Lisa's was too as there was one that had to do with 4th grade in Lansing. I don't remember the others, I knew mine and seeing Lansing made me think of Lisa. I saw one I thought may have been Penny's and maybe one that was Lori Jo's but I can't remember details. Anyway, we might be famous girls, even if we aren't named. Les thought it was cool at least.

And those of you, here in Kansas, who are in a library now, which is everyone but me and Lori Jo :( might want to consider signing up for the KASL mentor program is you haven't already. There is info on the KASL website

AND I ALMOST FORGOT! There was a short workshop on book repair. I have a handout I can copy and send to those who want it. That was one thing I didn't learn at ESU and in a school library is very important. If you've been to a workshop or already know some about book repair, you may know what's in the handout. There were some good tips I didn't know though. Actually the only thing I knew was not to use Scotch tape on the books.

So even though I had to spend a Saturday doing something other than "nothing", it wasn't too bad.

Greetings from Denver!

Hello my fellow SLIM Sistas! I am alive! And kicking, I might add! I finally got my email issues and password issues dealt with today. I think I have been on the computer since 9:00am. But, all is now well!

I wish I could say I miss being in school, but I definitely do not. I am however greatly missing all of you. Unfortunately, I got roped into taking an online/webcam course on technology at my new school, but thank god I do not have to do an internship class. I still have yet to see my Colorado Teaching License. It was supposedly sent to my Kansas address, but it has yet to show up here in Denver! Oh well, I have to add my Teacher-Librarian endorsement to it anyway after I take yet another standardized test so I am qualified. HA HA!

I had a great time catching up on all of the old posts. I am glad to hear that you are all doing well. I am busy but loving our new life in Denver. I love my new job although it has definitely been stressful and challenging at times. I am working with my third library schedule since my first two were not working out at all. I will now see K-5 (10 classes) in a fixed schedule once a week. However, the Middle School will now be on a flexible schedule. A fixed schedule for Middle School was NOT working. So, wish me luck as I start my new schedule next week!

My new school has a wonderful and supportive staff. We have students that are first or second generation from 55 countries around the world which creates a pretty amazing environment. However, I cannot pronounce half of their names which has made some students cry and others get quite mad at me. (Sara--You are not alone with making students cry!) The teachers are really want a collaborative librarian. The trick is getting it to work with my schedule and their curriculum. However, I am not complaining. The job is going well!

Enough of me blabbing on! I hope you are all doing well! Miss you guys! When are you coming to visit me in Denver? ROAD TRIP!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Hello All

Hey Gals, I finally have a new, wonderfully fast computer that makes catching up on all of the posts I have missed fun. Sorry for being AWOL for so long.
Sara, congrats! That is so exciting!
Lori, that is awesome that she has a coutdown calender and that you get to spend so much more time in there.
Penny, how is it going since your classes started?
Karen and Laura, we missed you at the internship meeting.

Well, MY JOB IS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!! I absolultely love it. Don't get me wrong, I am not constantly collaborating, but thanks to all the changes I have made, the library is now the place to be to work. It isn't the hangout...that gives the wrong connotation. It is the place that kids come to work (we still have some giggles and smiles). Kids are realizing that I know the books and are coming to me for recommendations. The best part is that so many are telling me how much they love the new stuff. Maybe I did learn something at school all those years.

Internship girls...haven't even started the September assignment yet! Oh well! Too busy running a hoppin library :)

Later ~Courtney

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Counting the Days

Yesterday in the library I noticed my friend Sarah looking at the school calendar. She had the days numbered counting down the days until school is out. I joked...Geez, Sarah! Are already looking forward to summer 2008? She looked up and said...Oh no! This isn't my calendar, it's Ruth's countdown to retirement. As you can imagine, I had a smile on my face the whole rest of the day.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sorry it took me so long to get this done. Here are a few pictures of our cruise. We had a great time!! Swimming with the stingrays was so unbelievable. We also swam with Dolphins but they were in captivity so not as cool. The stingrays as you can see in the are just out in the middle of the ocean on a sandbar and the stingrays are just swimming around because they know that you are going to feed them. They actually get aggressive and brush up against your legs. It freaked Hannah out and she headed back to the boat rather quickly. The fam shot is in Mexico. Very depressing place but beautiful.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

ready or not

School has definitely started. I made my first student cry...I told her she wasn't standing in the right place and she lost it....first grade. I can make em melt huh? I am just completely worn slick. I think it's a sign of age.......I just don't have as much umph as I did last year. I have noticed though that teachers are asking me for more help/collaboration/advice than last year. That's good. I also think that doing both my practicum and capstone is going to kill me. The capstone seems like a GIGANTIC waste of time. Just I need to read any of the assigned reading in order to pass the class or is my only grade going to be on my portfolio? Sorry, do I sound a bit pessimistic? November can't get here soon enough...that's when I'll be done...then I"ll need the biggest slippery nipple you can find(extra slippery)! Start looking.

Karen....good luck with your high maintenance cherub. Guess if she's the only one then you could potentially type out step by step instructions for know-try to side step some of the questions ;)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lesson plans!!!

I just found some really great lesson plans. (I had a little extra time to do some more lesson plan searches.) The standards are already listed but I would like to add a few others and modify. Can anyone give me directions on how to edit PDF documents? Here's the link:

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Okay ladies, I'm supposed to be doing my first assignment in capstone this semester. I looked over the new and old syllabus and they are virtually the same. It says you have to read the book and get a good understanding of web portfolios. Okay, truth be told I haaate text books and don't really want to read this you all recommend that I read, or can I just look at your old web portfolios and be able to complete my own.

We have a wedding date....Oct. 4, 2008! Set your calendars now for the social event of the midwest! (well, it's my dream at least)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New MLS Students

I'm going to be brave and go to the new MLS student orientation on Friday afternoon. Brittney and Kaitlin are invited to a High School Musical 2 party so I don't need to hunt down a kidsitter. What should I tell the newbies? Any suggestions before Friday would be appreciated.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Back at home

We got back last night about 1:00am and I am exhausted! We had a great time though. The beach was fantastic, I'll miss that. My digital camera bit the dust while we were there. I think some moisture got in it while we were at Tulum but I was able to get quite a few pictures before then. I'll post them in a few days. The picture above is the view from our balcony.

So how was your cruise Penny? Do you have any pictures? I guess you're back at work now? Lisa, how has your job been going? Are you still in inservices or do you have students yet? I can't wait to hear about both of your jobs.

When do the rest of you go back? I have a workday the 17th, then 2 days of inservice before our kids start. I am not ready yet at all but I have a week to psyche myself up.

I'll write more later, once I have recovered from my vacation! :)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

To my librarian friends...

Well those of us already in or heading into the library this year-good luck and have a great year. To those of you in the life of leasure with no more SLIM classes and no worries of teaching something totally new-have a great year as well. Everyone keep in touch.


Well, ladies
I spent the afternoon at Tranquility Day Spa & Salon. I had a 1/2 hour half body massage, then a Caribbean Pedicure, highlights and hair cut. The massage was about what I expected. The pedicure was the best of the four. My feet and calves are a smooth as a baby's behind. Several minutes in a bubbly pool, was followed by scrubs & oils, buffs, mud mask, hot towels and the hot stone massage on my feet and calves. However, my stylist got a call from her fiance (in Iraq) that he won't be home until after Christmas...major tears and I got stuck with the new girl for a replacement. Let's just say my highlights are dramatic and leave it at that...I probably won't cry until tomorrow. Right now, I'm in denial about my blondness.
Send all your best beauty thoughts my way--LJ

Monday, August 6, 2007


Lori and Penny:

Do you all still want me to take pictures for you? I'm still waiting to hear back.... I would certainly LOVE to do this for you all plus it would help bump up my portfolio. Anyways, let me know...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Name change????

Any expert Blogger LI 805 class had a blog, and now Blogger knows me under that profile & I can't figure out how to change my name. So, the LI 805 is me. I'll try to figure out how to change it on my own.

Hey Ladies

I hope that everyone is having a fantastic summer! Jeremy and I are heading to the Big Easy, a.k.a. New Orleans this weekend for our vaca, I'll be sure to order a slippery nipple (or a few) in honor of my SLIM Sistas! I was in Denver last weekend, so Lisa and I were able to get together for lunch and catch up. I must say, Lisa looks good in Colorado :)
Take care everyone!
-Mary Ann

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bonvoyage Sistas!!

Well ladies I just wanted to say bonvoyage to the sistas! We are spending this Friday packing and doing all of that last minute crap before we leave Saturday morning. I will check back in with you all when we return next Saturday. Then it is back to the real world of being a grown up with a job again on Monday morning. Everyone enjoy what is left of our summer.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hey All Sistas!
Just wanted to let my gals know that I am doing what people do on a summer vacation. I am sleeping in, reading, going to the pool, driving my kids to activities and ignoring people that know how many days until the first day of school.
Here is something for those of you that want a good laugh after the kids go to bed.

Go to YouTube. Put library in the search box. My two favorite clips are Cookie Monster in the Library and Mr. Bean in the Library. (of course, realize how funny Mr. Bean's nonverbal behavior is before you partake)


I added a "Subscribe to Bloglines" link, mainly because that is the aggregator I use. It's an online aggregator so it can be accessed from any computer with Internet access. With bloglines, you can also place an icon in your taskbar that lets you know how many new posts you have.

If you have Yahoo Widgets, you can place a widget on your desktop that lets you know when you have new posts to your feeds.

If you think I'm speaking a foreign language and what to know more, just email me, call, or click on the bloglines and yahoo widgets links on the blog page on in this post.

I'm so smart...

...I forgot my login info! I created a new profile for this blog snd forgot what my username and password were! Yeah, I got my Master's...I'm so smart.

I'm beginning to agree with one of our secretaries...the more education you have the dumber you become!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Okay, just giving this blog a try-out. I still haven't heard back from Mira on my capstone. A little nervous... I did get my points for summer institute so at least there are no worries there. Ugh...I wish I would hear from her soon. It would be nice to enjoy the rest of my summer w/o SLIM at the back of my brain.

Monday, July 16, 2007

A CORNucopia of ideas and ramblings of the SLIM Sistas

Here is it ladies! Our own blog to help us keep in touch with each other and continue to grow in friendship and knowledge of the library profession! Now that you are all gagging with the slick, sickly, sweetness of that last sentence, let me share something really important with you - the slick, sweet recipe for a Slippery Nipple!!!!!!!!!! For those of you who weren't able to join us last Saturday night, if you haven't tried one, run to the nearest bar quick. This was GOOD!

10 ml grenadine syrup (I assume 10 ml is a drop)
1/2 oz Baileys Irish cream
1/2 oz Buttershots liqueur

Pour the buttershots and Baileys into a shot glass. (let them mix) Add grenadine to form a perfect nipple in the bottom of the shot glass. Take as shooter, lick nipple from bottom of glass.