Friday, May 30, 2008

I did not fall off the face of the earth...

Hey all! Cngratulations Mary Ann & Penny on your new jobs! I am so excited. Lori Jo, have you started revamping the library at your school yet?

Sorry I've been quiet for so many months. It's been a hell of a ride this year and I am glad it is over. It seems we can't get a decent principal here at Plainville. But he is leaving and perhaps we will get something better - I've said that before.

This year, I thought there was going to be a K-12 Lib. opening at Ellis. Several people were under the impression that the librarian would retire. Nope she didn't. There was an opening at an elementary school here in Hays. I sent everything in immediately and called the next week to make sure my references had arrived. I was told everything was in but the position was filled. I was so ticked! It would be nice if there was some sort of code that says "We're only posting this because we have to. Don't bother applying, we already know who we want to hire."

I took the Intel Teach to the Future workshop this summer. I should say, I'm sitting in the workshop right now. I think people who take this should be required to have a basic knowledge of computers! The first morning was spent trying to teach everyone how to log into the Intel Site! And it just keeps getting better!

I plan to go to Topeka sometime this summer. If anyone wants to arrange a get together, let's do it!

Back to this Intel workshop. Yippee!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hey gals,
I found these listed in a magazine last night. Something different than Shelfari.
Enjoy checking these out over morning coffee:
Type in the name of a book you enjoyed and you'll receive a list of similar suggestions.
Enter the name of favorite author and you'll get a display of writers' names, with your pick at the center. The idea, the closer a name sits to your favorite, the greater likelihood that you'll enjoy that author's work.
Similar to Shelfari.
Online book swap.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Great Website!

Hey ladies,
I stumbled upon a wonderful website full of ideas for library lessons.
Go to
click on Teaching Resources (in the blue bar)
click on lesson plans
scroll down to search lesson plans
click on Reading
You can then narrow your search by grade level or check them all out! They also have wonderful printables that go along with some of the lessons. :) Enjoy!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Just when you think you have it all figured out....


I arrived at school today with an email from Tecumseh South Elementary School asking me to interview for their Elementary Library Media position. AHHHHH!!! I looked at their pay scale and WOW- nice! Right now it would not be a huge increase but over the long haul it is a big difference. In five years time it is a difference of over 5 thousand dollars a year. WOW! Anyway if you all thought I was crazy before---------I may be changing jobs! I will keep you all posted. I interview this Friday.