Sunday, November 4, 2007

I need some Sista-ly advice

Hey SLIM Sistas-
Ok, well I've mentioned how I'm toying with the idea of going to a public school....I have a screening interview coming up later this month! I'm apprehensive about it for a few reasons, but I'm excited too. I'm starting to really dip my toe into the water rather than just talk about it, so here goes I guess....

So, to those of you who have been through this process before...what should I expect? What are they going to ask me??? When I talked to the HR person, she told me that I will be meeting with a building principal, and she will interview me using the ventures screening interview. The way she said it, I assumed that it's some type of known screening process. I Googled it however, and I can't come up with anything. In all honesty, I've never interviewed before, aside from my SLIM entrance interview with Candy, which was a joke. I was a long term sub before I took my current position, then I was offered a contract. There was no interview, lucky for me, but now I'm kinda nervous about the process.

One question that will probably come up, which I think is such a dumb question, is to list your weaknesses. I do know that you are to say things that can be turned into positives, like I'm too detail oriented, BS, BS....

Any and all suggestions are appreciated!!! I hope that all is well with you guys. Question, is our blog private? It would be kind of embarrassing if my blog postings came up to haunt me. I don't think that any Joe Blow can find us, but I'm not sure.....

1 comment:

Lisa Dewane said...

I just tried to make sure I had a firm philosophy of what I felt the librarian's role within the school was. I used the four roles discussed in Information Power and came up with my own examples of how I had acted in that role or plan to act in that role. Good luck! I will be thinking of you! How exciting!