Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bonvoyage Sistas!!

Well ladies I just wanted to say bonvoyage to the sistas! We are spending this Friday packing and doing all of that last minute crap before we leave Saturday morning. I will check back in with you all when we return next Saturday. Then it is back to the real world of being a grown up with a job again on Monday morning. Everyone enjoy what is left of our summer.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hey All Sistas!
Just wanted to let my gals know that I am doing what people do on a summer vacation. I am sleeping in, reading, going to the pool, driving my kids to activities and ignoring people that know how many days until the first day of school.
Here is something for those of you that want a good laugh after the kids go to bed.

Go to YouTube. Put library in the search box. My two favorite clips are Cookie Monster in the Library and Mr. Bean in the Library. (of course, realize how funny Mr. Bean's nonverbal behavior is before you partake)


I added a "Subscribe to Bloglines" link, mainly because that is the aggregator I use. It's an online aggregator so it can be accessed from any computer with Internet access. With bloglines, you can also place an icon in your taskbar that lets you know how many new posts you have.

If you have Yahoo Widgets, you can place a widget on your desktop that lets you know when you have new posts to your feeds.

If you think I'm speaking a foreign language and what to know more, just email me, call, or click on the bloglines and yahoo widgets links on the blog page on in this post.

I'm so smart...

...I forgot my login info! I created a new profile for this blog snd forgot what my username and password were! Yeah, I got my Master's...I'm so smart.

I'm beginning to agree with one of our secretaries...the more education you have the dumber you become!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Okay, just giving this blog a try-out. I still haven't heard back from Mira on my capstone. A little nervous... I did get my points for summer institute so at least there are no worries there. Ugh...I wish I would hear from her soon. It would be nice to enjoy the rest of my summer w/o SLIM at the back of my brain.

Monday, July 16, 2007

A CORNucopia of ideas and ramblings of the SLIM Sistas

Here is it ladies! Our own blog to help us keep in touch with each other and continue to grow in friendship and knowledge of the library profession! Now that you are all gagging with the slick, sickly, sweetness of that last sentence, let me share something really important with you - the slick, sweet recipe for a Slippery Nipple!!!!!!!!!! For those of you who weren't able to join us last Saturday night, if you haven't tried one, run to the nearest bar quick. This was GOOD!

10 ml grenadine syrup (I assume 10 ml is a drop)
1/2 oz Baileys Irish cream
1/2 oz Buttershots liqueur

Pour the buttershots and Baileys into a shot glass. (let them mix) Add grenadine to form a perfect nipple in the bottom of the shot glass. Take as shooter, lick nipple from bottom of glass.